Welcome March

I can hardly believe it's March. I am so excited, though, because in just three weeks my parents will be coming home from their LDS mission. They've been in Italy for eighteen long months and I'm so proud of them. Once my mom is home, I'll have my quilting partner back and I'll be able to finish my projects much faster!

To get ready for her coming back, I've tried to clear some old things out of the closet and make room for the new. Like these cute paintbox-inspired squares that have been lying around for years:

Ready to be quilted!

Or this little guy that has been waiting to be quilted for a couple years:

I also played with these double-pinwheel blocks a little more and added sashing and a border. Not sure what the next step here needs to be yet:

I hope your March is starting out as productive as mine!


  1. Looks like you're in for a wonderful March! So many wonderful things are happening!

  2. I love the paintbox one! Its so bright and cheerful!


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